So if you didn’t know the first trailer for the highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War was released and caused an uproar on the internet. Basically below are questions to ponder that I conjured up while repeatedly looking for clues about the mother of all superhero team up movies.

Also spoilers ahead for other Marvel Cinematic properties.


⁃ Infinity Stone confirmed for Black Panther? Massive battle sequence involving Wakandians. What do the children of Thanos want with Wakanda – surely it’s not the vibranium.⁃ How does Bruce Banner get to Earth? Thor and him are separated in this trailer.⁃ Vision is not in make up and still has Infinity stone in his head.⁃ A lot of earth sequences, less space based – what does this mean? ⁃ Are there going to be more alien based entities apart of this Infinity war? Hence the group of individuals running at the army of Wakanda.⁃ Hulk buster armour, who is operating that?⁃ What will Captain America’s shield look like?⁃ Does Vision die?⁃ Will there be two battle sequences towards the end – one on earth, one in space?⁃ Will this movie be more earth based?⁃ Confirmation for the death of Asgardians?⁃ Will Loki die after handing over the Tesseract to Thanos? That would set the tone for movie?⁃ When did Tony get another arc reactor?⁃ When does Peter Parker get the Iron Spider suit from Homecoming in this movie?⁃ What alien like planet are our heroes on in this movie? Referring to the space battle sequence.⁃ We didn’t see as much space battle sequences in this trailer? Does it mean that we will see a lot more in the following movie or I’m just thinking to much into it considering that this is only a 2 and a half minute trailer?- Does Loki use the Tesseract to send Banner back to earth to warn the Avengers before him, Thor and the Asgardians get wrecked by Thanos.


Altogether I thought this trailer was everything we wanted and so much more, I loved how Marvel wasn’t trying to hide the things that had already leaked but at the same time, left out some bits of footage we were familiar with. Obviously being the first trailer, it’s more just shots and bits of footage put together with bit of voice overs but the next one will be more story focused.

Either way I am hyped and cannot wait for this movie and it’s sequel. This is going to an exciting wait, I’m pretty sure that the speculations and fan theories will escalate between now and the next bit of footage

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